Finally, here is our blog. And it is ours because you are the authors! Here, we will have the opportunity of sharing ideas, comments, curiosities, and also practice our writing skills. The idea is that you will post your texts, according to each topic/theme, and the everybody is free to comment/respond to your ideas. Remember, corrections, when necessary, will be done appropriately, but not here in the blog. So, let's start!

Hope you like it,



Writing doesn't have to be hard! 
Take a look at these skills. They will make your writing easier. 

1. Editing is Important 
Writing is just the first step. After that, you must edit your writing. Take as much time as you took to write the text to revise, rewrite and edit it.

2. Have a Clear Idea 
Good writing has a clear idea, a purpose, which can be understood by your reader. When you write clear ideas, you should be able to write: 
* a thesis - the sentence that summarizes your essay or long story; 
* a topic sentence - usually the first sentence of a well-written paragraph. 

Keep asking yourself: “What is the main idea of my story?” If that is not clear, maybe it is time for another edit. 

3. Use Logical Structure 
Writing is like a puzzle. You have to put the pieces together, in a logical structure. To write logically, you need to have a beginning and end; understand the purpose of a paragraph; and know how to organize a paragraph. 

4. Have a Unique Style 
Don’t copy other people’s work. Put some of your ideas into the work and show others something about you. 

5. Build Word Power 
A good writer chooses the right word for every situation. Words create pictures and memories. To become a better writer, improve your word power with synonyms, antonyms, emotional verbs and lots of handy adjectives and adverbs. 

6. Write Smooth Sentences 
Avoid repeating key words in the sentence. Make your sentences and paragraphs smooth, clear and beautiful. 

7. Oops. Here’s the Grammar 
Yes, grammar is important. Good writers use good basic skills, such as punctuation, capitalization, spelling and grammar. 

So now, we all want to improve our writing skills. The next step is practicing. English writing takes time and effort. It is not easy, but you can learn it. I am sure of that!
(Based on www.eslwriting.org)